
Pregnancy Update - 20 Weeks

Monday, February 22, 2016

I can't believe I'm half way there!

The second trimester has been much more friendly to my body.
Nausea has subsided and I can actually eat again!
However, it has been traded for pretty bad headaches,
nasal congestion, a few aches and pains.

At 12 weeks we had our Neuchal Translucency scan
and our little baby passed with flying colors
and everything measured exactly how it should.
 Except the Sonographer found a cyst on my ovary... eek.
Apparently this is normal. 
Little One was squirming around but was kind enough
to hold still for a bit to get a few good pictures.

12 weeks - apologies for the glare

At my 16 week check-up everything was still looking good.
Baby's heart rate was a whopping 160+ bpm!
The only problem was that I had not gained enough weight
thanks to my first trimester nausea.
The Doctor suggested to load up on the carbs - NO PROBLEM!

 This brings us to the present.
On February 5th we had our anatomy ultrasound to 
look at all of the parts of the baby and make sure 
he/she is developing properly.
Little one was being a booger and hiding the goods and remained in a position
that made it difficult for the tech to get all of the measurements. 

I went back the following Thursday (19 weeks + 5 days)
and baby was being super cooperative!
My Grandma came along and got to see her great-grand baby
(her birthday was Valentine's Day so this made for a nice present)
 Baby was being adorable as ever!
We even got to see the tongue going in and out!!
and the poor thing was having a heck of a time trying to get a thumb in the mouth.

It's a girl!

She is already a camera hog with that little smile :)

 Apparently she has crazy long legs which she has not
been shy about showing off...
some of these kicks are pretty insane!
(and somehow manage to find each of my organs)

We are so excited to welcome our sweet baby girl this summer!