Be Thankful
Friday, November 13, 2015
It's no secret that November is the time of year
when we start remember all the things we are thankful for in our lives.
Although I believe shedding light on these thankful things
should take place on a daily basis, it is always good to know
that November and Thanksgiving comes around and reminds us to do so
when our lives have become a chaotic mess throughout the year.
Here are the things that I give my greatest 'thanks' to...
my husband
and his unwavering love and affection
all the things he does for our little family
and the support I receive from him every. single. day.
our sweet puppy shelby
we adopted her the day after Christmas last year
and it was been a wild and amazing adventure
her quirks and cuddles warm my heart
our home
our little two bedroom condo has become
safe haven for us to return to after a long hard day
it gets a little cramped a times but it is ours and we love it
cars. jobs. food. hot showers. clothes
these are luxuries in my opinion
these are things that not all people have
I am always thankful that I can have a full belly,
steady income, and place to wash myself at the end of the day
I love the outdoors and looking at all
the spectacles that nature has given us
fresh air, trees, wild flowers, weather
not so abundant in southern california
but when I have the chance to explore - i take it
click & print me :)